Project: Overview

General Details:

Gorgona Lounge Plaza tourist resort is a result of a new approach to the tourist industry in the region and a thorough economic and social analysis, a detailed study of the current market situation, its strengths and weaknesses, the tourist industry in the region, as well as new trends in technology, construction, and architecture.

Project Advantages


It is important to note that to reduce maintenance costs, a policy of unified administration of the complex and a combination of staff for all areas has been adopted.

Considering the multifunctionality of the Plaza, the entire resort will have a sufficient budget to keep the building in optimal condition, and as a consequence, have the necessary personnel and funds for quality security, cleaning, repair, and maintenance of the complex.

The functioning of the resort is designed so that all property owners constituting the Gorgona Lounge Plaza complex will have special conditions and benefits in the hotel’s recreational and commercial areas, as well as other benefits.

Indeniable benefits

Regarding the proposed housing stock, all the residential units that make up the Gorgona Lounge Plaza complex will be organized into a special program of hotel rentals on an equal condition with each other. This will allow their owners to get a permanent income while having the opportunity to use their apartments at any time or use the hotel rooms at preferential rates.

In addition, the project is designed and will be built to “green standards”, the international certification system LEED, which makes it unique in the market and puts it at a high level of a modern responsible approach to the environment and economic efficiency.

Feature Blocks

The analysis showed that for the effective operation of the resort, it is preferable to have several functional blocks, which can be operated with maximum efficiency, harmoniously complementing and supporting each other.

For this purpose, the project developed three main functional blocks: residential, hotel and administrative, and commercial. The function of each block is closely related to each other, but also has a certain autonomy, which can be adjusted depending on market requirements for a more effective return during the period of operation.

The sectors of the complex have a common public area, passages and passageways, technical premises, equipment, parking lots, green area, structure, communications, plot, access to the beach, and some others, which will be described in detail, listed and regulated in a special document approved under the law on the Horizontal Tourist Property.

In terms of functional purpose, the resort is conventionally divided into:

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